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Here are some reviews, written by me, about films and characters that Alyssa has played

Film: Fear
Role: Margo
Review: When my friend first suggested to me that we rent Fear I wa a bit skeptical since i'd heard that Alyssa played a slut in it. Figuring 'ah what the hell' I agreed to rent it and found out the yeah, her character is a bit slutish but it's just acting anyways. The role of Margo is very well-acted by Alyssa and really is a total 360 from anything I've seen her in. My favorite scene is at the end where she's walking towards Reese Witherspoon's character and the guy who plays Reeses' dad (I forget both character names) with this look of innocense on her face, it's just classic Alyssa. (And she looks amazing *exactly* like my best friend Dayna in that short scene) As for the movie itself, I thought it was pretty good. Really well acted and a great concept. It conveys a possitive message (not to go out with creeps and stick up for yourself) and is really good. The scene where Alyssa is apologizing to Reeses' character and screams "You're my only friend!" actually made me cry because she said her lines with such believability. Alyssa is such an amazing actress and it was cool to see her in a role that was totally opposite the one we see her in every Thursday. I give the movie 3 out of 4 stars and Alyssa's acting 4 out of 4 stars

Film: Double Dragon
Role: Marian
Review: I actually haven't seen the whole movie...I taped it but haven't had a chance to watch it. From the 30 or so minutes I did watch of Alyssa were great. I saw the beginning and when she was leaving for school and then I had to go somewhere so I didn't watch the rest. I can't give a full review of the movie because I haven't seen it all, but from what I did see it's another great performance from Alyssa. :) Her character, despite having a really bad hair-do, is really cool and is a really possitive character. From what I did see of the movie, I give it 2 and a half stars and Alyssa's acting another 4 out of 4 stars.

Show:Who's the Boss
Role: Samantha Micelli
Review: I just love this role for her...she's so cute as a little kid!!! I've been watching reruns of WTB for a couple monthes now and seeing her grow up is really cool. The acting isn't like, insanely hard, but Alyssa brings a certain spark to Samantha and makes her this incredibly lovable girl. :) I really enjoy watching the show and especially the episodes where Alyssa is the main character. And if you're still not convinced enough to watch the show, remember: There's nothin like 80's humor. ;)

Show: Charmed
Role: Phoebe Halliwell
Review: There's no way I could write a reviews page and not put in the character that began my Alyssa adoration! Phoebe is like, my alltime favorite character of every tv show and movie that I've ever seen. She's sweet, she's nice, she's hilarious, she's everything that I'd want in an older sister, or ever in myself. I remember trying to decide which character was my favorite on the show and it was almost like, not even a remotely hard question: It was Phoebe all the way. :) I've never seen a character that I can relate to more than Phoebe. She's exactly like me and a lot of my friends. The acting on the show is grossly underrated, it's amazing. A lot of people don't realize that when they're watching the show because it's so believable that they overlook it. And imagine having to move and fight things that aren't even there! That takes major acting skills. I can't even begin to rave about Phoebe because if I did it would take up about 5 pages! If you're an avid watcher of charmed you know what I'm talking about and if you don't watch Charmed (what are you? Insane??? LOL) than you should definatly give it a look see. It's an amazing show and has everything: special effects, great chemistry, possitive messages, humor, everything. CHARMED ROCKS!

Show: 1-800-Collect Commercial
Role: Eva Savealot
Review: Ok, even though the commercial itself was about 30 seconds, I just had to put something in here about it. :) From the first second I saw that commercial, I loved it. ;) It's so cute! "hey, you in the hat" LOL, if that's not a totally classic line than I don't know what is. I love this commercial and I really hope 1-800-collect does a serious for "Eva Savealot" b/c it would be so awesome to see Alyssa "branch" out with this role. ;)

Show: 1-800-Collect Commercial #2
Role: Eva Savealot
Review: So, a new Eva Savealot commercial has been aired! Wowie! I was hoping that they'd make an ongoing series of these...and I see more coming in the future!!! Here's my short review of the 2nd commercial...I LOVED IT! I think I loved the 1st one better...(my brother likes the 2nd one better cuz of the :ahem: wet suit she's wearing) But at the end, where she picks up the weight and says "i'll get that", you can't help but to laugh, even though it's a cheesy line. ;) So, here's to eva savealot!!! :)

Show: 1-800-Collect Commercial #3
Role: Eva Savealot
Review: Have I ever told you that I love collages? Well, I do, and it's because of this commercial! I love the new and different scenes, and stuff. It almost seems like they're behind the scenes stuff. Oh, and I think I've seen the other 2 commercials way too much...because I can tell the difference between how she says "so call 1-800-Collect during the beach bums one. (I'm guessing either they were 2 different takes, or I'm simply going schitzo.) Collages are cool...and so is Eva Savealot

Show: 1-800-Collect Commercial #4
Role: Eva Savealot
Review: After a few monthes on no new Eva commercial I was afraid that Eva Savalot was no more :( But alas! I saw a new commercial whilst in the middle of flipping through MSNBC and the weather channel one exciting night. ;) Anyway, the once again, I have only praises to say of the new commercial. First it was truckers, then beach bums, now construction workers...the possibilities are endless for Eva. ;) Let's hope we see many more Eva Commercials